A CHEERLEADING troupe will get the chance to raise cash for a new kit while spreading Christmas cheer as they grab their pom poms and hot foot it to Preston city centre for two performances.

The group of 11 to 15-year-olds, from Lostock Hall High School, Todd Lane North, will cheer on Christmas shoppers in two 30 minute performances at Preston's Flag Market on December 9 and on December 18 at 1.30pm.

The event, organised by Preston City Centre Management Company, was arranged after they troupe appeared in the Citizen appealing for help to buy a new £1,500 kit.

The group, established 18 months ago, currently wear their PE uniforms when they perform but teacher and troupe leader, Margaret Williams, said this needs to change. But they have not yet decided whether to buy from a specialist brochure or buy material and make their own.

"We've seen some fly-away skirts with hot pants stitched into them that would look really good," she said. "It just started as a social club after school but more and more of the girls have asked to get involved and it would be nice for them to have a new uniform to match the pom poms they've had for a while."

"I know they're really looking forward to dancing in town and I'm really pleased they're going to have a big audience to perform for."

Anne Marie-Flynn, of the city centre management company, said: "We saw them in the Citizen and thought we could give them a bit of help and to also create a lovely atmosphere in Preston in the run-up to Christmas."