ONCE again we have been let down by Bury Council.

Four years ago, when Bury first approached Hurdles to work in partnership, we were promised that the new Re:d Centre in Morley Street, Bury, would have a four-bedded respite unit for children with disabilities. Due to lack of funds this still hasn't happened.

Now they want to cut a further £200,000 from the budget, which will leave families in even greater need.

As a parent of a teenager with a severe disability I was shocked by news of the cuts. I have been involved with Hurdles for nine years and I remember a time when Bury Social Services wanted to work in partnership with parents. Hurdles gave up their building so the Re:d Centre could be built but it seems now that it is up and running and the council have overspent, they want to take it away. Well, I am sorry, it doesnt work like that. You can't!

This is the only place my son can go after school, where he can mix with his peers and be safe. It is also a break for me and my other two children. He can not play out or go anywhere without an adult being present so, although he gets only two hours a fortnight at the youth club, it is valuable time when he can enjoy some independence.

The council talk about cutting 'care packages'. I would like to know what these are. I have supported parents of children and young adults for eight years with Hurdles and I dont know of any families that are getting too much 'care'. The council and government should be investing more money into the Re:d Centre not reducing it.

If this proposal goes ahead there will be a lot of families who will reach crisis point. And then they wont be dealing with the small care packages that parents get now, but great big ones!


(Concerned parent).