PEOPLE are campaigning against plans for a mobile phone mast in Nelson because they say it will spoil the view of a nature reserve.

Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd want to put a 30 metre high mast with three antenna at the former Walverden Sawmills, Brunswick Street.

People living near the site say the mast will spoil the view of Walverden Reservoir and Boulsworth Hill from the nature reserve which has just had £31,000 spent on it.

Letters of objection to Pendle Council claim the mast will tower over the area and be a blot on the landscape between two conservation areas. But planning officer Kathryn Hewertson has said trees would help to hide the mast and that it could be painted. She said Nelson councillors should give the scheme the go-ahead.

In a report to Nelson Committee, she wrote: "The proposed mast and compound would not present an alien feature in this commercial urban landscape provided that the design is amended to monopole and appropriate conditions are attached to maintain and provide effective screening of the compound and associated cabinets.

"The monopole can be painted in order to reduce the impact when viewed from a distance, such as the conservation areas and Walverden Reservoir."

Residents have also raised concerns over the mast's possible effect on health.

Ms Hewertson has told councillors that Hutchinson has submitted a certificate of compliance with international guidelines on radio wave emissions but that people's fear of harmful effects could be taken into consideration.

But the Government has made it clear that planning applications are not the best way of determining health issues so Ms Hewertson has advised councillors not to refuse permission on health grounds.

Nelson Committee will debate the application at Nelson Town Hall on January 10 at 7pm.