IN response to K Scott (LET, January 13) who has swapped technicolour for a black and white outlook -- why did you stop there?

I got rid of my TV nearly two years ago and I can honestly say I don't miss it.

In fact, I wouldn't have room for one any more.

I'm saving my wallet and my sanity!

I was like you, I could count the number of hours I watched in a month on one hand.

Now I spend more time talking to my friends and going out to visit them.

It may sound sad, but I think it's sadder to have your life revolve around what time the next episode of Corrie is on and who did what in last night's EastEnders.

The reason I got rid of my TV in the first place was because of all the 'reality' programmes that were invading the viewing listings, along with all the 'so-called celebrities do....'

This whole debacle concerning Jerry Springer has made me glad I don't have a TV.

I've made my choice, or statement and what do I get now?

Letters from the TV licensing agency in disbelief that anyone in this day and age would voluntarily get shut of their TV!

Again they told me "Its not too late to change your mind, go to your local post office to get your TV licence!"

CLAIRE WALKDEN, Blackburn (via email).