A DARWEN pre-school faced with closure four years ago now has a new much-needed extension and is going from strength to strength.

In 200,1 Kittens Pre-School, in Veronica Street, was faced with premises that were too small for the number of pupils it wanted to take on and it was looking at a massive bill to extend the building.

But after determined staff successfully submitted a bid to the National Lottery to carry out their £180,000 expansion plan, a new building has finally been completed.

The extension was built in 14 weeks by GE Equipment Services Modular Space and provides the nursery with more teaching and playing space.

It includes a children's play and recreation area, a staff room, office, kitchen, child and staff toilets, as well as a wet play area.

A spokesman from Kittens said: "We're delighted with the quality of the building and the efficient manner in which the project has been completed."

Money was also raised for the extension through fundriasing events organised by parents and the local community, including a sponsored triathlon and a race night.