LABOUR'S Ivan Lewis took his Bury South election message to pensioners in Radcliffe when he visited Moorfield House sheltered housing scheme in Wordsworth Avenue.

"The residents at Moorfield made me feel very welcome indeed," he said.

"They were very keen to hear what Labour plans to do to improve life for pensioners if we are re-elected.

"I was able to confirm that all pensioner households with someone over 65 will get a £200 council tax rebate this year and, from April next year, all over-60s will get free off-peak bus passes.

"They were also pleased to hear that the £200 winter fuel allowance would continue, along with the pension credit, now worth £109 a week for single pensioners and £167 for couples.

"These measures are moving us forward to our ultimate goal - to rid Britain of pensioner poverty and build a fairer country for the many, not the few."