CATHERINE Barry (Letters, April 14) is not understanding the points we are making about speeding motorists.

We have got facts and figures as proof. Could Ms Barry produce her figures? Would she like to attend the next road safety meeting involving Bury Metro, the police, local MPs and RoadPeace? I'm sure her strong views would be welcomed.

She says in her letter that emotions were running high. Of course they were. A loved one had been killed by a speeding driver.

She also knocks the efforts of Radcliffe people to make Bolton Road safer, questioning whether a speed camera is worth all the effort and cost.

Well, Ms Barry, a speed camera will cost a mere £7,000. What is that compared to a child's life, or the life of any loved one?

We are trying all we can to make roads in Radcliffe safer for everybody. What is Ms Barry doing to help? Less criticism and more support for road safety groups would surely help to make the town a safer place.