Residents from Colne joined up with other members of the East Lancashire CND Group to attend a recent Peaceful Demonstration at the US National Security Agency (former RAF) Menwith Hill Satellite Communications Base in North Yorkshire.

The Event coincided with the Anniversary of the historical US Declaration of Independence from the UK on 4th July.

The Protestors read their original Declaration which stated: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain inalienable Rights, that among these is the Liberty together to determine the means by which they, as a free nation, would seek to defend themselves. If another State, through its imposing military power, usurps this Liberty of choice, then the independent nation must resist and reject the usurpation".

In the spirit of the original Declaration, the Protestors called for the UK to exercise its Right to be free and independent in the choice of how it defends itself.

This means that the USA should cease its occupation of any part of British land and withdraw its military powers including from Menwith Hill and other Bases which contribute towards its global policy of full spectrum dominance of space through their Missile Defense Programme - Star Wars.

Ultimately, Star Wars Nuclear Weapons are an offensive not defensive system.

It would not protect, shield, the UK from attack in a nuclear war. In fact the UK would become a target.

David Penney Colne Columnist Member of East Lancashire CND Group