A 13-year-old girl has been given a special reward after dedicating herself to looking after her ill brother.

Safina Ibrahim of Whitewell Place, Whalley Range, Blackburn, has helped her mum care for six-year-old brother Adam since he was born.

Adam has Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, a condition sometimes known as water on the brain'.

He uses an electric wheelchair and also gets help from paid carers.

On a normal day, Safina helps him have his breakfast, cleans his teeth and face, and, after coming home from school, she helps him to play and supervises him. At night she helps her mum put him to bed and make sure he is settled and stays with him until he falls asleep.

Now in recognition of her dedicated efforts she was turned into a model for the day.

Safina, a pupil at Pleckgate High School, chose to have a professional portfolio of photographs done because she wants to be a model when she is older.

Safina and Adam's mum Hawa, 47, said: "Safina does put a lot of a lot of effort in with him. They have a very close bond.

"She will take him out and play with him, and help with his moving and handling.

"If he is down, then she will go and give him a cuddle.

"Nothing has ever phased her. From a very young age she has been able to cope with anything.

"I trust her more than anybody else with Adam. I am quite happy to let her look after him."

Safina attends the Young Carers Centre, Oakenhurst Road, Blackburn, which nominated her for a special treat from the charity Miles of Smiles.

The charity, run by Leyland-based Karen Rainford aims to give an individual gift to deserving young people in the Lancashire area.

Safina said: "I'm really happy with the photos. I've always wanted them done but didn't think I'd get the chance.

"The charity do a really good job."

Hawa added: "She is absolutely thrilled about the photos. They have done a great job.

"She does deserve this. Adam always gets pushed to the front because of his disability.

"We are very grateful to the charity. It's a nice thing for them to do."

Karen Rainford said: "We've had some really positive feedback from the scheme.

"Safina absolutely adores her brother and she had a lovely afternoon.

"A friend of mine who is a photographer donated a studio for the portfolio work, we brought in a hairdresser and a make-up artist and gave her some money to get some new clothes for the occasion."