Almost every day in recent weeks, clients and friends have complained to me that they seem to see an unprecidented number of less desirable people around the town centre these days. They are not talking about Goths or Trogs or any other so-called fashion group, no, they are concerned about the influx of people who make us feel a little anxious or uncomfortable.

During my many lunchtime walkabouts around the manor, I too have been aware of more than a little feeling of unease when passing the many hostels around the Clayton Street/Heaton Street/Freckleton Street area.

Now, seeing the normal quickend stride of a meth addict rushing towards the town centre pharmacist for the administered fix is one thing. Watching stolen goods being passed off in my street from one shoplifter to the accomplice in order to avoid conviction right under the nose of our many CCTV cameras is another.

I decided to follow some local colour the other day (from a safe distance) and sure enough, they were resident one of our local safe haven's so much favoured by our Justice Minister.

if Jack Straw's latest edict to the judiciary is to be believed, we must all brace ourselves for yet more of his 'chosen people'.