PLANS to reschedule Darwen Live for the first weekend in September have hit a snag - the market square was already booked for the Saturday.

Now organisers are looking at a later date instead to accommodate the annual community day organised by the town's Rotary Club.

Brian Taylor, the sitting Darwen West Labour councillor standing for re-election on May 6, who suggested the revised date has apologised for causing any confusion.

The normal May Bank Holiday Darwen Live event has already been cancelled for the second year running because of coronavirus restrictions.

Mr Taylor won the backing of Darwen Town Council for rearranging the free music festival on September 4 and 5 but Tony O'Hara, community services officer for the town's Rotary Club, pointed out it had already booked the town square for its event.

This features a marquee and entertainments including a children's fairground, magician, Punch and Judy show, charity and commercial stalls and food and drink vendors.

It will also feature a 'swing' singer, a show by a local music school, and Darwen Brass Band will open proceedings.

This event too was cancelled because of coronavirus last year.

Now Mr Taylor has spoken to Darwen Live organiser Darren James and is hoping a later weekend in the month can be found for a rescheduled festival as September 11 and 12 are also unavailable.

He said: "I’ve had the Rotary Club booking pointed out to me. We aren’t stuck on that date, we can easily move Darwen Live back without any drama.

"I hope that this calms the Rotary Club. There wasn’t any intention to upset their plans.

"I am sorry for causing any confusion. It was just a misunderstanding.

"I and the organisers are now looking for a suitable weekend later in September."

Tony O'Hara said: "Darwen Rotary have the market square booked for their Rotary Day on September 4.

"This is a community event for the people of Darwen to come and enjoy a day out.

"Darwen Rotary have run this free event in the past, in fact Blackburn with Darwen Council used the first event to open the new market square.

"We are hoping to run it again this year from 10.30am to 4.30pm with a maximum of 500 people at any one time in the square.

"I hope the rescheduled Darwen Live is a great success."

Mr James said: "The date doesn’t really make a difference. It just depends who is available now."