A CHARITY animal shelter is at "crisis point" after being flooded with requests to home unwanted pets.

Now staff at the RSPCA Animal Centre in Altham, the charity's only shelter in East Lancashire, have made an urgent plea to pet lovers.

The charity says that it needs people to step forward and adopt the animals from the centre so they can continue to help house unwanted and rescued pets.

After another recent appeal, the numbers of cats and rabbits were reduced but the waiting list to house unwanted pets remains at almost 100.

Ken Harrison, the branch manager in Altham, said: "We literally can't take any more animals, we are totally full.

"The centre has reached crisis point."

Currently there are 44 cats and 57 dogs at the centre awaiting new homes. There are 84 cats and 47 dogs on the waiting list for a place.

If you can help and offer a pet a loving home call the RSPCA on 01254 231118.