A TOTTINGTON mum and her daughters are calling on women to fight dirty and help fund life-saving research.

Jane Bullock, aged 42, and daughters Rosie Armishaw, aged eight, and five-year-old Daisy Armishaw, are urging women to sign up to Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life Pretty Muddy event.

They want people to join the unique obstacle course – with added mud - which takes place at Heaton Park on July 16.

An army of women is needed to slip, slide and splash their way over, under and through a range of obstacles from scramble nets, tunnels and hurdles, to the final challenge of the giant inflatable slide – all to raise vital funds for Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work.

The Race for Life family of events also includes the traditional 5k and 10k courses, which thousands of women will take part in at the same venue on July 17.

Cancer Research UK’s North West spokeswoman, Jane, of Moorside Road, said: “Pretty Muddy is great fun and we hope that the muddier women get, the more money they will raise.

“We want as many women as possible to rope-in their friends and family and help swell the ranks of Race for Life’s pink army.

“Pretty Muddy promises all the fun and camaraderie of our much loved 5k and 10k events – with lashings of mud, sweat and cheers.

“Race for Life events are not competitive. They are not about being fit or fast. Women can complete the Pretty Muddy course at their own pace, clambering, scrambling and laughing their way around.

“It’s about the power and strength of North West women coming together in a show of defiance against cancer. At Pretty Muddy, when we fight, we fight we fight dirty.”

Money raised through Race for Life allows Cancer Research UK’s doctors, nurses and scientists to advance research which is helping to save the lives of men, women and children across the North West.

Jane continued: “Half of those diagnosed with cancer now survive. But half is not enough. We won’t give up until no-one’s life is cut short by cancer.

“That’s why we hope as many women as possible across the North West will accept our Pretty Muddy mission. By tackling obstacles together, they can help Cancer Research UK’s scientists in their ultimate challenge – bringing forward the day when all cancers are cured.”

To enter Race for Life: go to raceforlife.org or call 0300 123 0770.