A RECORD number of break-ins to Bolton's unluckiest charity shop has brought staff and volunteers to the brink of tears.

Staff and volunteers opened the town's Mencap shop on Monday morning to find it ransacked and donated stock stolen.

It is the ninth time in a year that the Chorley Old Road premises has been targeted by thieves.

As well as removing and taking the eight new locks bought to protect the shop's backyard, the thieves damaged the storage shed and stole a small copper boiler and donated books.

Project director Pattie Chadwick, aged 63, helped set up the Bolton charity and shop eight years ago and said both volunteers and staff were all deeply hurt by the repeated incidents.

She said: "I'm nearly in tears and so are the students — we are so sick of this.

"If they are hard up and struggling all they need to do is ask, we will help them that's what we do.

"There's no need for the vandalism or the damage they are causing. Wages are having to be cut to pay for the locks.

"They will drag us down if we can't get the money. The students have nowhere to go, this is their project, it's like a family for them.

"All that will be gone and there will be a massive hole in the community. These people seem intent on ruining it."

The Mencap store acts as a stand-alone charity with all profits going back into the store, or towards funding day trips for students with learning difficulties who work at the shop.

As well as supporting students, the store donates items to local causes, including helping the homeless and animal shelters.

It also takes on staff who struggle finding employment and people carrying out community work.

Following the last break-in in September 17, the store bought new heavy-duty locks to protect the premises, costing £25 each.

All eight locaks were stolen in this week's break-in, believed to have taken place overnight, and further funding must now be found to replace them.

Staff are appealing to local scrap merchants to keep an eye-out for the stolen goods, which includes a copper boiler.

The charity has now invested in CCTV equipment to help increase security.

A police spokesman said the break-in had been reported.

Officers are now advising the charity on how to protect the premises.

VIDEO: To watch a video of the damage at Bolton's Mencap store go to theboltonnews.co.uk