FOOTBALL bosses have backed a team's plan to hold a tribute in memory of a goalkeeper who collapsed and died during a game.

Dave Burgess, chief executive of Lancashire Football Association (LFA), said the organisation would support Trawden FC if the club held a minute's silence and wore black armbands in honour of Craig Russell.

The 23-year-old, of Glen Street, Colne, collapsed 65 minutes into Trawden's games against Nelson's Walton FC at Sough Park, Earby, on Sunday morning.

Paramedics tried to resuscitate Craig on the pitch and eyewitnesses said he responded well before falling unconscious again.

The former Park High school pupil was taken to Burnley General Hospital where he later died.

In yesterday's Lancashire Telegraph team mates and Trawden FC's manager Adrian Dempsey paid tribute to Craig.

Players also left messages on Pendle Charity Football League website, pledging to hold a minute's silence and wear black armbands at their next fixtures.

Mr Burgess said: "Anything like that Lancashire FA would support fully.

"I think everyone in football is shocked at the news. It is a difficult time for the family and a difficult time for the team.

"We send our condolences to the family for their tragic loss,"

Craig, a sheet metal fabricator in Colne, joined Trawden FC two years ago.

A post-mortem examination was due to be held yesterday.

Mr Burgess said the family could receive help if they wanted through Lancashire FA's benevolent fund.

He added: "This is a sad time, anything the Lancashire FA can do we are here to help."

Craig's father Barry said that the family were too shocked and upset to talk about what happened, but that his son's death had caused "huge sadness.

Players left messages on the Pendle Charity Football League website yesterday, pledging to hold a minute's silence and wear black armbands in honour of Craig at their next fixtures.

One, a member of Sacred Heart FC, Colne, said: "Several of our players grew up with Craig.

"We know that there are no words of comfort that can ease the pain that his family, friends and colleagues must be feeling at this sad time, but our thoughts are with you."