AN HISTORIC former cotton mill can finally be transformed into a museum now that electricity has been restored - after four years.

David Armfield began the project to restore the steam engine room of Grane Mill, off Laneside Road, Haslingden, in 1998.

But when Redrow Homes began converting a neighbouring building into apartments, workers cut off power to the site in 2002.

The housing company said that it was not contractually obliged to reconnect the power.

But after more than four years, the electricity has been restored as a "gesture of goodwill" by Redrow.

Mr Armfield, who has been restoring steam engines since he was a teenager, said: "It's been extremely frustrating.

"It meant the five years' work I'd spent on the restoration were ruined.

"We'd got the engine into a good condition, but with no power or protection, the engine has rusted a great deal and the building needs a lot of work.

"But I'm really pleased that the electricity is finally back on, as I can now get back to work."

Mr Armfield, 60, is appealing for help with the project.

"The engine restor-ation is not a problem, but help is needed to get the rest of the building back up to scratch. "

His appeal is backed by Kathy Fishwick, Rossendale representative on the National Ancient Monuments Society, who described the former mill as "one of the most important buildings in the country".

If you can help, contact Mr Armfield on 07754 868162.