A GIANT model penguin is migrating south for the remainder of the winter in a bid to cheer up children.

The 6ft 6in soft toy replica of Mumbles, star of the Warner Bros animated film Happy Feet, has spent the last two months with youngsters Abigail and Jessica Roberts at their home in Dill Hall Lane, Church.

Mumbles was a much needed diversion after the girls' uncle, 25-year-old Anthony Everett, of Bunkers Hill Close, Blackburn, committed suicide days before Christmas.

Michelle originally wanted to donate their penguin to Newfield Special School, in Roman Road, Blackburn, after the Mumbles that was destined for children there was stolen by thieves.

But the school said they were confident the soft toy would eventually be returned and asked if another school could benefit from it.

The family have now donated Mumbles to White Ash, in Thwaites Road, Oswaldtwistle, which is attended by the girls' cousin Chloe, aged eight.

The model penguins were raffled off at ASDA stores across East Lancashire in December.

When the winner at the Accrington store failed to claim their prize, the girls' mum Michelle gave a donation to charity and was able to take the toy home with her.

Michelle, 27, said: "I used to take my youngest daughter Jessica to the store every day so she could give Mumbles a cuddle.

"She even invented her own special word for him. He has been their favourite toy since they got him home.

"He came to us in quite tragic circumstances and he has been the object of much affection. I wanted other children to get the chance to love him too."

White Ash headteacher Phillipa Conti said: "We are really grateful for the donation of Mumbles.

"He will be an excellent tactile toy for the children to play with."

Michelle said Abigail, six, and Jessica, 19 months, have taken Mumbles' departure well.

She said: "At first there was a bit of commotion because they didn't want him to go, but I explained he was off on his travels to see the next bunch of children that needed cheering up.

"We put a Mexican hat on him so it looks like he is off on holiday and I think they have learnt a important lesson about sharing their toys with others."