Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson has stepped up his drive for paramedics to be able to prescribe medicines.

The Pendle Tory, who learnt about this issue whilst spending a day with Colne paramedic Andy Swinburn in a rapid response vehicle that was responding to emergency calls.

Currently, paramedics are not authorised to prescribe medicines unlike doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dentists.

Mr Stephenson wrote to Health Minister Earl Howe who told him there is now study into extending prescribing to paramedics and he is expecting its report “early next year”.

Mr Stephenson explained, “It seems entirely logical to me that if a senior paramedic can diagnose a problem while in someone’s home, they should be able to prescribe the required drugs.

“I welcomed Earl Howe’s letter as Lancashire paramedics have been calling for this change. The possibility of progress early in 2014 is encouraging.”