A STUDENT nurse from East Lancashire is seeking help for a mercy mission to the Far East.

Rozanna King, 20 is looking for businesses to support her for the £2,000 trip to Xi'an, China.

The Meadow Street, Great Harwood resident, who is a student at Leeds University, wants to volunteer to help at an orphanage or hospital next year. So far she has raised £500 by climbing Mount Snowdon in Wales.

Rozanna said: "I want to help people in a poorer part of the world.

"I want to see another culture and get valuable experience.

"This will lead to me being a more rounded practitioner and then I will be able to apply what I have learnt when I begin my career."

The second year student said the climb, with friends from university, was a gruelling experience.

She added: "It was awful.

"The weather was terrible, it was really difficult.

"It was hard work but it was worth it because I raised £500 from friends and family."

Anyone who can offer help can contact Rozanna by email geo4rk@leeds.ac.uk