This popular musical is a firm favourite with audiences who grew up with the classic film and which has attracted recent attention with the television programme How do you solve a problem like Maria?'

Brunshaw Action Group's production, produced by Michael Bailey, blended elements of live theatre with location film recordings to impressive effect.

After a live opening scene set in the abbey, the curtains opened to reveal a large projection of Rebecca Smith as Maria singing on a hill, evoking images of Julie Andrews from the film.

Rebecca gave a charming portrayal of the young postulant seconded as a governess to the Von Trapp family.

The Captain's role was in the safe hands of Wayne Brankin, while his seven children were played with confidence by Joanne Binns, Brandon Incles, Lucy Gledhill-Flynn, James Carter, Erin Mae Connor, Jade Kemp and Erica Minozzi.

Tom Patterson, cast as Rolf, the young Austrian telegram boy, seemed at ease with Joanne Binns' Liesl and their Sixteen Going on Seventeen' duet was a treat.

The Captain's fiance, Elsa Schreiber and his friend Max Detweiler were brought to life by Stephanie Shaw and Daniel Julian and it was nice to hear their two songs which sadly were cut from the film.

In the abbey, Tara Flynn, as the Mother Abbess, had all under control as her fellow sisters Lauren Connor, Natalie Buxton and Abbie Drinkwater asked How do you solve a problem like Maria?' The first night performance was tentative at times and despite amplification some dialogue was missed.

However it could be due to first night nerves.

By M Bronson.