IT'S ALL over. My favourite TV show of the year, The Apprentice, reached a nerve-biting final last night, and I've got to admit, I'm gutted.

Not at the result - I honestly wouldn't have minded if either Simon or Kristina won - they were both my favourites from the start.

But what's really causing me to sob into my TV Times is that we'll no longer get to dissect the show afterwards with the peerless Adrian Chiles.

Never having so much as kicked a football in my life, I hadn't encountered the delectable Mr Chiles, better known as presenter of Match of the Day, before his post-show The Apprentice: You're Fired!

But now I'm struggling to think how Wednesday nights will ever be the same without his charm and wit.

Adrian was the best thing about this year's show for me. And that's some honour when you think we had characters such as pantomime baddie Katie and the super-arrogant but strangely lovable Tre.

I don't know how he did it but Chiles seemed to sum up exactly what us viewers were thinking with humour and humility.

He never once made the candidates feel threatened during the post-show interview, but nor did he shy away from tough questions.

So as far as viewers are concerned, Adrian Chiles, as best presenter currently on the box: You're hired.