FORGET the cricket world cup or even the race for the Premiership.

If it's real cut-throat competition you are looking for, look no further than the world of competitive hairdressing!

Last night's Hair Wars on BBC2 was one of those hours when you sit, not quite believing what you are watching.

Among the clouds of hairspray, razor cuts and colour foils, the quest to be the champion crimper is all consuming.

We followed the fortunes of the British team in last year's world championship which meant spending time with team manager Keith Broughton and former champion John Phelps.

This revealed that hairdressing can take over your life - often at the expense of your health and even your private life.

On the competition front, the models were all being styled as though they were extras on Space 1999. Somehow you can't see Jennifer Aniston requesting anything on view here.

But the most revealing, and more than a little disturbing, was seeing the former champion's home life.

His two daughters were what you might describe as strong willed' but dad was determined to make them see the light and discover the delights of his chosen profession.

Competitive hairdressing it seems is totally removed from your average High Street salon. It is in its own little world, a world which was enjoyable to visit for an hour but not one you would like to spend much longer in!